The latest race news from the race

Skipper's log: IAN LIPINSKI  (France) -  CRÉDIT MUTUEL (CLASS40)

Skipper's log: IAN LIPINSKI  (France) -  CRÉDIT MUTUEL (CLASS40)

Another idyllic night is on board Crédit Mutuel. The third since we passed the latitude of Lisbon and the conditions have become magical. Adrien and I can spend more time discussing everything about the boat's performance, which is really nice. We are having a laugh, trying to cook a bit, even though we haven’t got much better at that; we are trying to find pleasure in simple things!

Of course we remain ultra motivated and focused on the race after being in the lead for 48 hours. The passage through the ridge went well, without any particular complication, and we’re as happy looking at our track on Adrena, as a skier looking back at his track after descending a slope. We’ve got an eye on the three closest chasing boats, but we are trying to sail our own race and run the boat at angles and choices that we think are the best. We’re continually to finding out about this new boat, which is full of potential. It makes me remember my last mini, Maximum. That is a part of the origin of this project, so it’s rather successful on that side of things.

We also send our thoughts to Tanguy and Luke, as well as for Estelle and Charles-Louis. We hope that everyone is well and can bounce back for new races. It is always a cruel blow to have to abandon with a gear breakage after so many long weeks of effort and preparation. We are touching wood that luck stays on our side, and smiles on our four colleagues next time!

Currently, the wind is freshening nicely, that suits us and we’ll lengthen our stride.

Good night all
