The latest race news from the race

Aymeric Chappellier, skipper, Aina Enfance & Avenir (Class40)

Aymeric Chappellier, skipper, Aina Enfance & Avenir (Class40)

It's not bad! Finally there’s a ray of sun and blue sky. And after talking to you, we’ve got chilli con carne on the menu and waiting at the table! On the other hand, we’re heading upwind now - that's less good. We tacked twice because we were making the road too much longer on the other side. We were sailing at 285° and it was really bad. Now, we’re waiting for a shift left to be able to restart the attack. We’re mostly going our own way, while keep a close eye on Leyton's position. Our idea is to continue on port for the next 24 hours. We expect wind from the south, then a rotation to the west so we can dive. That will be good, because for the moment, we’re more west than south and it’s not really the way to Brazil.

The start of the race under spinnaker was cool, but when we gybed towards the Ushant TSS, it was big and smoking; it was lively and we had some good spikes of  23-25 ​​knots.

Currently, we’re doing 18 knots, great sun, a cross sea of ​​1.5m, 2m. We had a squall just now but it has become more stable in strength and direction. This morning, however, you had to be on it.”
