The latest race news from the race
Weather forecast: General situation on Sunday, November 12 2017 at 0 utc
Anticyclone 1032 hPa through 42 north and 25 west shifts east.
Depression 1015 hPa by 27 north and 33 west shifting to the north and extending.
ITCZ centred on the 7 north.
Forecasts for the day of Sunday, November 12, 2017:
Ultime class: Last straight line.
Port tack all the way to Bahia.
15/20 knots of wind becoming more favourable from north-east
It's pure speed.
Beware of small squalls on the road!!
Finish tomorrow with thunderstorm activity that will grow stronger in the middle of day.
Multi 50: Finding the right route
The Doldrums are on their bow, their mission: to slow down as little as possible and get the most of the squalls!!
Wind slowly easing.
IMOCA & Class 40: Readjustment to the west might be necessary!
In order to find the best right route, it will definitely be necessary to move west.
It's starboard tack, slightly off the track!!
Trend for Sunday, November 12, 2017
Finish for the race leader: be vigilant of the storms!
Doldrums for the pursuers.
Trade wind which is running out of steam for the rear of the fleet.
Meteo France