The latest race news from the race
PRB taking a time penalty
PRB is in the process of taking a 1h30min penalty turn on the water for accidentally breaking the engine seal. The race jury imposed this standard penalty without additional stipulations , PRB accepted. The only requirement was that PRB had to complete the penalty before passing the equator. The two skippers, Kévin Escoffier and Nicolas Lunven, chose to do it now.
Here is the relevant article 12.2.2 of the sailing instructions:
12.2.2 Taking a time penalty when racing
As soon as possible after the decision has been made, the Jury will inform the relevant boat of the penalty via Race Management. The latter will inform the boat of the area or the time limit within which he/she has to take the penalty.
When the boat is about to take his/her penalty, he/she must contact Race Management who will then time the penalty from a segment indicated to the boat by Race Management.
Following the penalty, if this has been completed and confirmed by the Race Committee, the boat shall cross that segment again before continuing the race.
The selected area is 46 °N between 11° W and 10°45 W,
The boat crossed the area at 07:48 UTC
At 09:18 UTC, it will re-cross the area from north to south, and resume its normal route.