The latest race news from the race

Simon Koster (Switzerland), skipper of Banque du Léman (Class40)

Simon Koster (Switzerland), skipper of Banque du Léman (Class40)

“The boat’s as good as it can be and now it’s upto to us to figure out how to make it go fast. There are still some questions about how extreme to go on the weather routing, but we’ll figure that with the next weather files. But it’s quite cool that the eather is manageable, there’s no big low pressure that is very difficult to go through, as there has been in the past. So, we’re pretty happy about the weather situation. 

“East or west looks fairly even, the different routes, it’s just what’s goingot happen if you’re positioned east or west in a week’s time. We’ll try to find the route that corresponds to our experience on the boat.”
