Personal data

Identity of the data controller

Association Transat Jacques Vabre, whose registered office is located at 6 Avenue Réaumur, 92140 CLAMART.


Any natural person using the Website or any of the services offered on it.

The website

Collection and purposes of data processing

Association Transat Jacques Vabre collects personal data on all Users browsing and using the Website, in particular through the use of cookies in accordance with the legislation in force. The data are collected when the User fills out a form entering information on the Website. The data collected are necessary for the following processes: audience measurement statistics and marketing studies.


Each form limits the collection of personal data to that which is strictly necessary and clearly indicates:

- the aim of the collection of the data (purpose)
- whether these data are mandatory or optional for the management of your request
- who will have access to the data
- your rights under the French Data Protection Act and how to exercise them with Association Transat Jacques Vabre

The User must fill in all fields of the information form on the Website with the exception of the fields shown as optional, that is to say not marked with an asterisk. The optional information is collected by Association Transat Jacques Vabre and allows it to know Website Users better. All information marked with an asterisk is mandatory and must be provided by the User. Failure to respond will result in non-validation of the information form. Association Transat Jacques Vabre will not be able to reply to these requests.

Recipients of the data

The data collected are intended for use by Association Transat Jacques Vabre. Association Transat Jacques Vabre does not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. In addition, Association Transat Jacques Vabre does not disclose your personal data to third parties, except if Association Transat Jacques Vabre is forced to do so by a governmental authority or a regulatory body, in the case of a judicial order, summons or other similar legal or government request, or to establish or defend a legal request.

Right of access, rectification and deletion:

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 (modified), the User has a right of access, rectification and deletion of data concerning them. The User can expressly oppose the processing of their personal data. To do this, they can contact Association Transat Jacques Vabre through the contact form available in the "Contacts" page of the website The User shall indicate their full name and postal address. The application must be signed and accompanied with valid proof of identity bearing the User's signature. The User can specify the address which the reply should be sent to. Association Transat Jacques Vabre has a period of 72 hours from receipt of the User’s request in which to respond.

Duration of data retention:

The personal data collected via the contact form on the website may be kept for a maximum of one year, after which they will be deleted.


Definition of a cookie:

A cookie is a small text file that is placed or stored on your terminal (computer, tablet or mobile device) when you visit a website. Cookies allow a website to recognise you, help you to navigate from page to page on a website, provide secure connections, and remember preferences for your next visits. Cookies are not used to collect personal data without your knowledge, but to record information relating to your navigation. This may facilitate and enhance your future experience on the website and enhance the usefulness of the website for you. Cookies play an important role. Without cookies, using the Web could be much more frustrating.

Deleting cookies:

The User can disable the cookies stored on their terminal at any time. To do this, simply select the appropriate settings in your browser.

Management of cookies:

The configuration of each browser is different as regards management of cookies and your choices. For information purposes, you can find instructions on various browsers at the following addresses:

- for Internet Explorer™
- for Safari™
- for Chrome™
- for Firefox™
- for Opera™

Cookie management forms:

Association Transat Jacques Vabre makes a form available to Users of the Website enabling them to object to the cookies stored on the Website. To do this, the User can click on the "Customise" button in the information banner indicating the purposes of the cookies stored.

Security measures taken by Association Transat Jacques Vabre to ensure the protection of personal data

Association Transat Jacques Vabre implements all technical means pursuant to professional standards to maintain the integrity, security and confidentiality of data, and in particular to prevent them being deformed, damaged or that unauthorised third parties have access to them.